Our Services

While developing a customized financial program, we will walk you through a step-by-step process that will help make you feel confident in your decisions.

Once your goals have been established, we will customize appropriate strategies to suit your vision and objectives. We can help you execute a sound financial program utilizing the following products and services:

We’re Here to Help

  • Pendray Financial will work with you to build and manage a portfolio of stocks, bonds and other investments based on your unique goals.

  • Learn how much you need to retire comfortably, and how to prepare for the "unexpected." Plan for everything from living expenses, to healthcare, to planning that trip you've always wanted to take.

  • As you get older and build more assets, it is normal to start thinking about what will happen to your estate after you pass away. You may already have very specific ideas about what you want to happen to your assets, or you may have more questions than answers. Wherever you are in the process, know that you are on the right path.

  • There are several types of annuity products available to choose from at Pendray Financial. Whether you’re looking for income options, legacy planning tools or spousal protection, we can tailor a plan to meet your specific goals.